Company Overview
The settlement of the western USA occurred in large part due to the discovery of precious metals in the great historic districts of the West. Mining continues to form the backbone of many rural economies and maintains strong local support.
Home to the prolific Carlin Trend, the Cortez Trend, and several world-class high-grade epithermal deposits (Sleeper, Midas, Fire Creek, Aurora, Comstock), the western US boasts one of the highest gold endowments on the planet.
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The Federal lands of the Western USA are subject to well-established mining law, land tenure, and mine permitting regulations. Economically viable discoveries can be developed into mines with minimal political risk.
Established road networks and power infrastructure allow simple and cost-effective exploration and mine development. A large trained local workforce allows projects to be advanced in a timely manner.
High grade sample from the Colorado Grande vein, Midas, Nevada
High-grade gold mines typically boast low production costs and high margins, which results in decreased sensitivity to metal prices and market conditions.
New high-grade discoveries typically garner immediate market attention, while it may take years for the value of a low-grade discovery to become apparent.
High-grade mines typically have smaller footprints and often justify underground mining methods which (relative to large open pits) reduces permitting timelines, closure costs, and long-term environmental liability.
Large, high cap-ex, low-grade mines can only be developed successfully by a few companies, whereas high-grade deposits are attractive to many more miners.