
Spring Peak Project

Large under-explored precious metal
system with a clear analog immediately
next door at Hecla’s Aurora Mine

Spring Peak Overview

Exploration program 100% funded by Newmont
Disco Zone discovered by Headwater in scout drilling in 2021
Opal Ridge Discovery by Headwater in 2022 drill program
Multiple high-grade vein intercepts reported in 2023
High-grade mineralization remains open at depth and in both directions along strike

Rapidly advancing new high-grade discovery with a clear analog next door at Aurora Mine

Headwater’s work to date has comprised of 8,475m drilling in 40 drill holes; Including first-ever core drilling at Spring Peak  – Four of ten hit greater than 15 g/t Au

Disco Zone: High-grade gold in banded epithermal veins, open down dip and laterally in both directions
Opal Ridge: New high-grade vein discovery at relatively shallow depth.

Planned 2024 Drill Program

  • Multi-rig drill program totaling up to approximately 7,000 metres over 20 to 25 holes
  • Test for extensions of mineralization along the Bear Fault corridor
  • New targets across the broader land package will be tested with initial scout drilling

